I write a newsletter for the Women's Ministry of my church. I am the WM Leader and I get to write what I like! I will post a few informative articles from the newsletters to this blog.
Garlic is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. It
brings flavor to foods whether used raw, roasted, baked, broiled, boiled, or
sautéed. Slice it, chop it, mince it, smash it, and puree it…no matter how you
prepare garlic, you will be visited by its many tasty and curative powers.
There are millions of bacteria that fear no manmade antibiotic, yet die in the presence of princely garlic. Viruses are not killed by antibiotics, but garlic wipes out the offending troops with little effort.
Imagine the ease of staving off life’s chills and spills just by eating a healthy diet replete with garlic as its steady companion. I challenge you to find new ways to use garlic in your daily meals. Can you increase your usage to two of your three meals per day?
Though I could handle garlic for breakfast, I am not suggesting a tasty rising meal of groats ‘n garlic to tempt you out of bed. But, a breakfast of whole-grain toast with roasted garlic spread will do the body good! You’ll also keep away flies and pesky neighbors.
Garlic is more than a food flavor enhancer and antibiotic/antiviral. Garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improves the immune system, and fights cancer; it also fights the overgrowth of Candida (yeast) in the intestines. Yeast infections are common to some people (men included); many may not be aware of the growing enemy within them. The typical symptoms of itching and other unpleasant south-of-the-border alerts are not necessary friends of yeast.
Diabetics and those who have used antibiotics or oral birth control are at risk…possibly without warning. Over consumption of sugars and white flour are also to blame for yeast imbalance, especially in those whose bodies are more sensitive.
Candida yeast is a threat because it affects every part of the body and can cause irritability, mood swings, confusion, digestion and elimination problems, hormonal imbalances, poor liver and thyroid function, fatigue, and rashes to name but a few health concerns.
No matter how you choose to enjoy garlic, it will benefit body and mind. It will flavor your world and heal many ills. Done correctly, you won’t know to blame garlic for fewer colds, lower blood pressure, or lowered cholesterol. It’s a modest herb that does its job without fanfare; the eternal go-to-food for everybody!
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