“A joy shared is
doubled and a sorrow shared is halved.” ~ Author Unknown

There are other lessons to learn from Jesus' words and actions: love, kindness, obedience, and service to name some. Service is our topic today.
Last fall I did a couple presentations/talks on Women & Service. Humans & Service is really the crux of it. But, I was speaking to women, and sometimes women need to be reminded how much we can do, and should do for our fellow humans--we are more than wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and the fairer sex.
Many times, I meet people who find it easier to do for animals than for humans. I understand their reasoning; animals are helpless and voiceless. Animals can't file a police report after being abused and if they could, often times, their torment is not considered a crime. An awful and pitiful situation.
I do not suggest anyone abandon their zeal for the betterment of animal lives, treatment, and justice. I am asking those who would choose one over the other to see compassion and service as universal to human- and animal-kind. That goes the other way, too. If you care for God's human creation...can His animal creation be forgotten?
Service, compassion, love, obedience, and kindness are all qualities of God--Jesus showed us this by example and asked we follow Him. Remember this when you look upon another--human or animal.
My talk dealt with how to serve others in the human world, I felt impressed to add our animal friends here. Many think God gave us animals to use for our purposes, only, but if you read Genesis, Adam's first job was to name all the animals. Says a lot. (Gen. 2:19)
Jesus asked we help one another...not just family members.
Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Modern English Version--MEV)
Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Modern English Version--MEV)
1 Thessalonians 5:14 “And
we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the
weak, be patient with them all.” (English Standard Version--ESV)
The next passage is too long for me to post, I leave it to you to read it. It may just move you.
Imitating Christ’s Humility Philippians 2:1-18
Though not an exhaustive list of Christ's words on the subject by any stretch...a starting point, however. A tickle to start an idea that may find motion and bloom. What happens when a flower blooms? People take notice--they gaze upon its loveliness.
We all know how to help someone. It isn't hard to find someone in need. But, if you're looking for some ways to help...I've created a list to get you thinking. Maybe you could inspire others to do the same and even create their own lists--after all, no one knows everything!
Few Ways to Serve
- Financially where able (pay a bill, buy groceries, fill a gas tank, buy underwear for someone who needs it!)
- Spiritually where able (have enlightened discussions, pray together, have Bible Studies, buy a subscription to Vibrant Life or Signs for another.)
- Listening when able (bring food, water, and a white flag.)
- Offer NO advice when it is the correct action & when you can hold it together despite your desire to explode like Mt.Vesuvius.
- Offer the right advice at the right time.
- Give someone a ride—even when you have something else to do.
- Invite someone along on a day out, even if they make your ears bleed normally.
- Pay for a meal for someone who is normally a skinflint and tell them you enjoyed treating them.
- Help someone clean their house, just because you can, and then share a hot beverage together.
- When someone starts a sentence with “I have or I need to…” You ask, “Can I help you with that?”
- When someone is a total freak show and you believe demons live in their lower regions, smile, after you thank God you are not this person suffering, say a prayer for them, and tell them you hope their day improves (as you’re leaving—drop it like a bomb & run like it’s one, too!)
- When you see a homeless person on a hot day, give him a bottle of water and an apple.
- When you see a homeless person on a cold day, buy him a coffee or hot cocoa and a sandwich.
- Donate your time at food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters—No time? Bring them clothes and home goods you no longer need, instead
- Animal shelters need volunteers for a list of reasons. Did you know you could volunteer to socialize dogs or cats in many shelters? What a fun way to help out--they need interaction and love just as much as food and shelter. Also, money helps!
- Don’t miss the opportunity to donate to organizations that directly help people in the community and in many ways…The Salvation Army helps people with heating oil, clothing, spiritual guidance, addiction programs, housing, work programs, and thrift shops that sell affordable clothes and household goods; Goodwill Industries has the same thrift-shop benefits, but also has programs to train people to work and seek employment; local RI places like Crossroads and The Providence Rescue Mission give people food and shelter one night at a time, clothes and personal care items, and many times, hope.
- Give a caregiver a break: make a meal and deliver it, offer them respite, or visit with the attitude to uplift and wash dishes.
- Don’t believe someone’s being mean to you or judging, give them the benefit of a crap day or that their face hasn’t been told all is well yet.
- Walk someone else's dog; exercise for you both and free time for the grateful guardian.
- Make that call to Animal Welfare when you see an animal left outside for days in cold or hot weather, left in a car, or if you witness sores or beatings.
- Many shut-ins enjoy animal companionship but cannot care for their own pets; where able, try pet sharing or consider pet visits.
- Laugh more than you do complain (this is a gift to all who have to hear you)—keep track. Have an arsenal of funny stories in your head to reflect on--as the day may sour unexpectedly or satan’s sister shows up to throw a wrench in your plans of bliss building
- Smile at horrible (acting) people, it really gets them heated…do it anyway, call it your Christian ability to tick someone off with innocence—It’s God approved! Seriously though, sometimes that small, insignificant act can help turn someone around.
- Don’t isolate yourself—for you or anyone else. It leads to depression and rips you from God and His blessings. Everyone has gifts to offer. Do something for someone that is easy for you but difficult for them—you both feel that joy.
Jesus was so profound in His teachings that many non-Christians follow His words. The Bible is so wise and wide spread that many everyday sayings are from the ancient tome.
Look up some for yourself--it's educational and fun :)