Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Women, Hormones, & the Stages of Life

                                      Hello from RI during our last 12 days of summer!

This is my first post in 2013. My dad was ill and passed away soon after my last post in 2012; I was too uninspired and sad to write.This past July I did a talk on Hormones and the Stages of a Woman's Life. I thought I'd start blogging again with highlights from that talk.     Thanks for reading and for the questions that keep coming in...I will start posting answers again (and to those who have enjoyed the e-mails instead, they'll continue, as well). 

Hormones and the Stages of a Woman’s Life

Imbalances: Hormones help regulate everything from energy flow to inflammation to women’s monthly cycles. When hormones are out of balance the effects are felt differently by each woman--bio-individuality is the reason. 

Signs of the Times
·    Teens have begun cycles earlier (some at 8 or 9 yrs. old); pre-menstrual syndrome is common in today’s world.

Child-bearing years can include PMS, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, headaches, depression,  & low libido.

Other signs 
of hormone imbalance are irritability for no reason, frequent water retention, spotting between cycles or absence of menstruation, and painful or difficult menses.

Major causes of imbalances are stress, adrenal exhaustion (produce most hormones), severe dieting or exercise, deficiencies in nutrients (especially protein, calcium, B-complex, EFAs: essential fatty acids), environmental pollutants and hormones, birth control, and HRT (hormone replacement therapy). 

·    Herbal support for normal, healthy child-bearing years: many varied fresh fruits and veggies in the diet, whole-food supplements (especially rich in folic acid and chlorophyll), and essential fatty acids (EFAs).

·    Massage therapy is essential in helping with infertility—stress management is important. Avoid caffeine.

Hot Flashes & Menopause:
Hot flashes are caused by the hypothalamus (regulates sleep cycles, appetite & body temp, and produces hormones in the pituitary gland) over-reacting & producing hormones, attempting to stimulate estrogen production.
Menopausal symptoms can be heavy bleeding (unlike/worse than normal periods), spotty bleeding, leg cramps, migraines, fibroids, low libido, hot flashes, mood swings, crying for no reason, vaginal dryness, hair loss or thinning, and night sweats.

*Hot flashes can last 2-4 years after menopause has ended.
      Herbal Support:  Supplements are made for particular needs and will vary to include many of these herbs: Dong Quai, Black or Blue Cohosh, Licorice Root, Wild Yam, Chaste Tree/Vitex, and Ginseng

*Black Cohosh: research has shown 8 weeks later, estrogen levels are equal to Rx medications' results.
*Licorice Root: stimulates the adrenal system.

·    Vitamins/Minerals/EFAs: Supplements may contain any number of these beneficial components to aid your needs: Vitamin E, Omega 3 or mixed EFAs, folic acid/B-Complex, and Valerian Root/Kava Kava.

·    Foods: Super foods, such as those high in chlorophyll (wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, etc.) are wonderful system-wide health builders that will increase stamina and have a long list of other benefits. 
      Add these foods to your diet (high protein & mineral content): Sea veggies (kelp, dulse, wakame, etc.), soy foods, papaya, seeds, nuts, miso, and green or white teas.

*Sea veggies help remove toxins from the body by binding to chemical wastes and then eliminating them through the proper channels.

*1 cup soy = 1 Premarin tablet

*To moderate bleeding:
drinking red raspberry or green tea may help. Exercise is something that will either help you to lessen the bleeding or increase it—this is your bio-individuality…you have to try it first to find out.

NOTE: Many people have sought relief from every malady known to man through acupuncture and/or acupressure. Also, massage therapy (including foot, hand, and ear reflexology) has miracle-like results!

God provided every tree, grass, berry, nut, seed, flower, root, bark, stem, leaf, and fungus (did I miss any?) to help nourish and cure us of our ills whilst providing nutritive sustenance. He also gave us trigger points for effective body work—all to help us cope in this changing, beautiful, yet difficult world.